
"You lose your ability to look angry." -- Who wants to look angry? The smoldering look works really well for me.

"I'm scared of injections." -- Relax, the needle is really quite small. Besides, the pain only lasts a few seconds.

"Botox doesn't last forever." -- Do it again then, girl. I will.

"Laugh lines aren't too bad." -- You're saying that because you're afraid of needles.

"Why do this to yourself?" -- A few weeks ago you were bitching about a friend who's hair needed steaming. This is the same thing, except to a different part of the body.

"Does it really make a difference?" -- Just look at the result. Besides, you pluck your brows every night. You would definitely notice the difference.

"Will guys notice the difference?" -- Will guys notice any difference anyway? Who cares what they think.

"I think a diet would work better for me now." -- Your diet isn't going to work and you're going to put on weight again. Botox works! And it isn't very expensive.

"I hear that your face loses your ability to express certain emotions." -- Rubbish. I have no problems expressing certain emotions. I'm also very happy to fake certain emotions. No problem in that department at all.